UX/UI, Research, Web Platform Design


Gear up student's learning journey


Gear is an assessment platform currently in use at the University of Hong Kong. It is designed to help teachers assess and monitor student learning while offering ongoing support. The platform allows teachers to conduct quizzes, exams, surveys, and performance tracking. It offers students essential support on their academic journey, motivating them to achieve their set goals.


The University of Hong Kong


Education Web Platform - Front End

My Role

UI/UX Designer

Project Time

4 months
(Nov 2022 – Mar 2022)



  • Optimize Navigation
    Ensure that students can easily navigate the platform, access their assessments, and track their academic progress without confusion or frustration
  • Boost Engagement
    Design features and interactions that encourage student engagement, such as gamification elements, clear goal-setting options, and visually appealing interfaces
  • Personalized Learning
    Enable students to set and track their academic goals, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation in their learning journey


  • Front End Redesign
    Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the old pages and redesign a better solution
  • User Engagement
    Engage students and motivate them to actively use the platform
  • Responsive Design
    Ensure that the platform is responsive and works seamlessly on various devices and screen sizes

My Role

  • Main UI/UX Designer
  • Created wireframes and interactive prototypes, and conducted brainstorming and research sessions
  • Collaborated with engineers, educators and product managers

User Survey

We conducted user surveys to gain deeper insights into the student experience on the GEAR platform. The goal was to understand their perspectives, identify pain points, and uncover expectations related to the platform's usability and functionality. To achieve this, we reached out to a diverse group of 10 university students who regularly use the platform.

Previous Design

Findings from Students:

Finding # 1

Platform Navigation and Task Prioritization Struggles

Some participants found it challenging to locate specific features and information within the platform. More, students encounter difficulties in prioritizing tasks on the dashboard as it only shows the last updated date.

Finding # 2

Limited Interest in Reviewing Past Performance

Most participants showed little interest in revisiting     their previous assessment results. Even among those who did review their performance, they felt confused about the visual representation of data, leading to reduced motivation.

Finding # 3

Goal Setting

Many students admitted to forgetting the goals they had set for specific assessments or courses. This suggests an opportunity to introduce features that provide goal reminders and motivational cues to help them achieve their objectives.

Finding # 4

Device Diversity

It was observed that some students preferred using devices like tablets for platform interactions.


Problem Statement

The platform should make browsing and navigation easy for students to complete the assessments, while also the data representation is clear and motivational to foster greater academic achievement.

The web platform should offer engaging content that captivates the attention of young learners, making learning a fun and motivating experience. The user interfaces should be intuitive, with clear navigation, ensuring that children and teachers can use the platform independently.

Questions on our minds

  • What motivates university students to strive for better results and monitor their progress?
  • What specific performance representation information do they want?
  • How can the platform improve for effective browsing?

Key Features & User Goals

Based on our research and findings, we have identified the key features of the new front-end design.

Highlight Pending Items

Clearly show the pending items and make them easily accessible

Clear Data Representation

Provide a clear data representation, making it easy for students to understand their performance, aiding students in tracking their progress effectively

Responsive Design

Design the platform with responsiveness, allowing students to use it on various devices and screen sizes

Goal Setting and Reminders

Offer students to set academic goals and remind them of the academic goals they've set, helping them stay motivated and on track

Personalized Learning Paths

Offer mastery tests based on students’ assessment results, allowing them to improve in specific subjects or topics


Redesigning a solution

We developed low-fidelity prototypes using paper and design tools for the Gear platform, crafting versions for both desktop and mobile interfaces, focusing on how users navigate through an assessment. Afterwards, we engaged five users in testing these prototypes to provide diverse perspectives and user feedback.

Low Fidelity Prototype

Findings from Prototype Evaluation:

Finding # 1

Users Seek a More Accessible Way to Assess Answer Explanations

Users find it a bit annoying to click through each answer individually for explanations and spend time searching for specific questions. To enhance the experience, we're proposing to enhance the answer explanation feature by adding an "expand all" option. This way, users can access all explanations with just one click. We're also considering adding a bookmark feature to save specific questions, making it easier for users to study and refer back to specific content.

Finding # 2

Users Unaware of Goal Setting and Achievements

Users indicated a lack of awareness regarding whether they had set or achieved goals for courses or quizzes. Currently, it only shows the goal setting under the items. This potentially impacts their motivation and awareness to perform better. To solve it, we're thinking of adding a dedicated section on the course page and the quiz result page. This section will showcase course goal details and progress, while also providing user messages to encourage goal-setting and congratulate them when they achieve their goals, boosting their motivation and engagement.

Finding # 3

Absence of Sorting Function for Items List

On the course items page, users complained about the absence of a sorting function and table header, making it difficult to view items by categories. To improve the experience, it would be helpful to add a sorting function and a table header for better organization.



I further created high-fidelity prototypes for both desktop and mobile platforms. To ensure a consistent and user-friendly interface, I utilized the existing material design library. Below are some of the desktop prototypes.

One of the primary objectives of this project was to streamline the assessment user flow. To improve user awareness and provide clear status updates on their items, pending items on the dashboard are prominently displayed along with their respective due dates.

On the course page, we aimed to motivate users by highlighting the set goal, current goal, and achieved goals. This approach ensures that users have a clear understanding of their progress and encourages them to strive for their goals. Additionally, we implemented a more accessible table list to help users organize and review their items.

To further support users in their journey, we incorporated reminder messages. These reminders notify users when they haven't set a goal, haven't met their test goal, or have achieved a new mastery level.

To improve the review performance feature, we made it more accessible. Users now have the option to expand all the answers for a thorough review and can easily show or hide specific options on the performance graph.

As a result of these design improvements, the overall user experience was greatly enhanced, providing a seamless and intuitive interface that empowers users to track their progress, stay motivated, and achieve their goals with ease. However, since this project is still ongoing, I am still dedicated to continuous enhancement and refinement.


Results and takeaways

The journey of redesigning the assessment platform for university students on the GEAR platform was both challenging and rewarding. Our team successfully launched the revamped front end, achieving our goal of optimizing navigation and offering personalized learning, thereby promoting a more personalized and motivating learning experience.

It was a great opportunity to work with a dedicated team on another project. Understanding the diverse perspectives and expertise within the team was enlightening.

Here are some key insights I gained from this project:

  • Operating as the main UI/UX designer throughout the entire process, from ideation to execution
  • Collaborating with educators, developers, and other stakeholders provided diverse perspectives and expertise, enriching the project's outcomes
  • Adapting our design strategies as needed ensured that we stayed aligned with project goals

Thanks for reading!

Tools used:

  • Figma and InVision
  • Adobe CC Illustrator, Photoshop