Forward Motion Yoga is a yoga studio founded 16 years ago. Forward Motion Yoga aims to encourage people to move forward in their lives. It emphasizes bettering oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Its website introduces the visions and classes, including the booking systems.
This project was for my graduate program in Interactive Media Management at Centennial College with an actual client. The goal was to redesign Forward Motion Yoga’s website to improve its usability. I worked with five teammates on research, current state analysis, content strategy and wireframes iterations.
Forward Motion Yoga
UX designer
(User Research, Prototyping & Testing, UX/UI Design, Information Architecture, Pitching)
4 months
(Jan 2022 – Apr 2022)
To start, we met with our clients to learn their goals and understand their situation. Our client is trying to expand its horizons to reach more people by enhancing online yoga and meditation (mindfulness) classes. They also hope to kickstart the business-to-business corporate online wellness programme.
Attract customers to participate in online yoga and mindfulness classes and enroll in subscriptions
Improve the UI layout and user experience of the website, maintain organized content for more straightforward navigation
Initially, we conducted the current state analysis. It helps us evaluate the website's usability.
The findings are:
Full of informative content but needs better organization for easier navigation
FMY offers a wide range of yoga classes, but it is hard for users to differentiate and understand the type of yoga
The layout, font styles, and headings are inconsistent, affecting the readability. It should be consistent with keeping the page smooth and concise
Next, we conducted a competitive analysis to viable our project and find opportunities from the existing product. The competitive analysis was created based on 6 yoga studios, divided into small, medium, and large company sizes. These are our main findings and insights.
We designed two sets of interview questions for existing customers and potential customers, including those who may need corporate programs. We interviewed 15 people to define and understand their needs and their views on yoga and meditation class. From the survey, we discovered the following:
After gathering the findings from the initial research, we define the problem statement:
Users don’t know how to choose the best class; users find it difficult to differentiate the plan and package.
Based on the user research, two key user types were recognized for explaining the major goals and frustrations of the user group.
We created user journeys to identify the user's experience in reaching their goal.
We brainstormed what-if scenarios with the user personas defined to discover the possibilities.
We created the user theme to capture the client’s values and visions and bring it to users. Our client is very happy to see the theme because she knew we understand their goals and started trusting us to complete the deliverables.
Based on the analysis and findings, we proposed a new sitemap that helps users discover website content and navigate information more easily.
We created the low-fidelity wireframes for the homepage, class and price. We made the changes:
After the process, we switched to creating high-fidelity screens.
An immersive experience for yoga starters getting deep into a 15-minute yoga/meditation session
A simple test to personalize the user journey
It is my first actual client project in the UX field. I am so grateful to meet the great team. The experience helped me learn how to communicate with the client directly, identify the client’s needs and how contribute my skills to a team.
I am so proud of the work we accomplished as a team, and our client, Cheryl, was impressed with our proposed website redesign. She expressed interest in proceeding to turn our design into a functioning website.
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